CJC completes 69th Restorative Justice class at NSP

CJC completes 69th Restorative Justice class at NSP

The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its 69th Nebraska State Penitentiary (Veterans Unit) “Restorative Justice - Victims Impact/Empathy (Life Skills) Class” on May 22.  Eighty eight percent of class participants rated the class Excellent!  With seventy percent showing some level of empathy and/or insight in the effects their actions on their victims/community.  One individual who participated in the class said, “I now understand the depth of the negative impact of my crime and learned about “Emotional Hygiene” the $1,000,000 Check."  With another participant saying, “It answered my question about what is Restorative Justice and how my HARMS impacted more than just my direct victims!”