TSCI comes together to share messages of hope

TSCI comes together to share messages of hope

While working through the challenges of keeping a pandemic at bay, Tecumseh State Correctional Institute (TSCI) Associate Warden Megan Cruickshank had a brainstorm. She was inspired by individuals in the community reaching out to those most affected by COVID-19, particularly people in long-term care facilities who were not able to have visits from their friends and families. Cruickshank knew the men housed at TSCI could relate, and had an idea on how they could provide each other some hope.

“We were excited to give everyone something positive to focus on in this difficult time,” said Cruickshank.

She turned to her teammates as well as the men incarcerated at TSCI to write messages of hope and support for those most vulnerable in the community. “Staff and inmates were able to come together on one team to provide positive messages and to think of others when we may be feeling inclined to be focused on ourselves and how COVID is affecting us.”

Together they created over 200 letters, handmade cards and pictures that were delivered to every resident at four different area nursing and assisted living facilities. The level of thought and care put into each piece was apparent and showcased individual talents through writing, crafting and drawing. The submissions reflected the generosity of spirit and goodwill that was truly appreciated by the men and women who received them.

“We appreciated the opportunity to change perceptions of incarcerated individuals,” said Cruickshank. “People are multi-faceted, but these people have the capacity to care about others and can be thoughtful and conduct acts of selflessness.”

Cruickshank was overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness from both senders and recipients, “You may never know just how much your message of hope meant to someone struggling during this crisis.”

#NECOVID19 #TellOurStory #MessagesOfHope