WEC Gardeners boast massive pumpkin, crop yield

WEC Gardeners boast massive pumpkin, crop yield

Incarcerated men at the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) saw great success with pumpkins and other crops in their garden this year.
They plan to decorate and paint pumpkins, which will then be displayed in the administration building. Other pumpkins will be used for decorations around the facility, gifts for visiting families, pumpkin pies and donations to local grade schools.
In addition to these pumpkins, the gardeners at WEC produced 19 pounds of radishes, 35 pounds of rhubarb, 672 pounds of zucchini, 512 pounds of yellow squash, 645 pounds of corn, 497 pounds of potatoes, 372 pounds of cucumbers, 56 pounds of peppers, 23 pounds of onions and 225 pounds of tomatoes.
