CSI deputy director gets bad haircut in exchange for smiles and laughs

CSI deputy director gets bad haircut in exchange for smiles and laughs

Cornhusker State Industries (CSI) Deputy Director Jeremy Elder traded in his typical haircut for something a little more... um... unique?

The team members at CSI got to design his new haircut he wore this week to add a little laughter into their days.

"In stressful times, humor is the best tool we have," said Elder. "After seeing some bad home haircut pictures on the Internet, I thought that a really bad DIY haircut would inject some fun into the workplace. I pledged to attempt to cut it myself and leave it that way for the week. If you are feeling stressed, pull up these pictures and have a laugh on me!"

This is one more way teammates at NDCS are finding ways to enjoy coming to work and their teammates during these challenging times.

"Thank you for all the work you do," said Elder. "More than ever, our work and our capabilities are helping Nebraska communities."

#Leadership #WellGetThroughThisTogether #NECOVID19

***Note: These pictures were taken before the NDCS masks requirement went into effect.