In Case You Missed It!

In Case You Missed It!

NDCS Social Media Posts

On July 6, English Cream Goldendoodle puppies arrived at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW). They will stay at the facility for a minimum of 8 weeks to be potty trained and receive basic obedience training before going on to puppy raiser families until the pups are a year of age. They will then go to Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) or Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) for formal service dog training. Pictured from left to right, Aspen, Auggie, Tripp, Cricket and Lexi.Read more

On June 14, The Community Justice Center (CJC), completed its first Nebraska Correctional Center for Women (NCCW) - 90 Minute “Anger/Emotional Hygiene Session”. Ninety two percent of class participants rated the class excellent, with seventy five percent showing some level of empathy and/or insight in the effects their actions on their victims/community. When asked how the session helpful, two participants said, "Understanding sources of ANGER!" and that the session "Helped me realize where my emotions come from and how to deal with them in a positive way."Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Officer Rodney Keithley assesses new security controls during Factory Acceptance Testing. Keithley has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2000. His job duties include enforcing facility rules and regulations, maintaining safety and security and operating security equipment. #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Ladena Koch and Jill Ourada represented the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services' (NDCS) Correctional Peace Officer Foundation (CPOF) members while presenting the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) with a CPOF Lifetime Facility Sponsor plaque on July 10. CPOF members have been raising money for over two years with the hopes of making NSP a lifetime sponsor. Koch, Ourada and other NDCS CPOF members received the plaque during CPOF's Project 2000 ceremony in June. Congratulations!Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Corporal Travis Steiff logs in at the front desk at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC). Steiff has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2015. His job duties include securing gates, escorting inmates and promoting safe work practices. Steiff completed the FTO program and is invested in the training and development of new and current staff members. “I have never worked with a more diverse and interesting group of people that have my back,” Steiff said. “Every day is a new challenge.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

On June 26, The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its 18th Tecumseh State Correctional Institution “Restorative Justice -Victims Impact/Empathy (Life Skills) Class." Seventy-nine percent of the class participants rated the class excellent with eighty-nine percent showing some level of empathy and/or insight in the effects their actions on their victims/community. Of the class two participants said: “It helped me to begin the process of understanding how I affected my victims. I got it, FINALLY, after 9 years an inkling of the gravity of harm I did", and "I see things 360 degrees now. There are a lot of people I hurt. My...Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Lieutenant Rick Williams conducts training for staff at the Community Corrections Center – Lincoln (CCC-L). Williams has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since May 2008. His main job duties include supervising team members, managing emergencies and conducting training. He was also the Field Training Officer of the Year in 2012! “One of my favorite aspects of my job is training staff on new NDCS practices,” Williams said. “It’s a passion of mine to serve NDCS and keep people safe.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Class 718 graduated from the Staff Training Academy on June 29. Congratulations!Read more
