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NDCS Social Media Posts

The Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization at the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC) held its annual Black History Month Symposium on Feb. 22. The meeting consisted of cultural food, speeches, poetry and a keynote address. Several outside volunteers attended and participated along with the organization members. The Harambee Afrikan Cultural Organization is dedicated to violence prevention, keeping youth from gang activity and education on African history and culture.Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Property Intake Corporal Todd Pella processes property the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution (TSCI). Pella has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2007. His main job duties include processing property transports, taking inventory and storing property. “I try to keep the population happy by following through,” Pella said. “I try to make it as easy going for them as I can.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

Read the Lincoln Journal Star's article on the Nebraska State Penitentiary's (NSP) Veteran's Unit: more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Unit Manager Rowan Taylor jokes with an incarcerated individual at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC). Taylor has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2014. Her main job duties include handling inmate and team member concerns within her unit, teaching Thinking for a Change (T4C) and facilitating Inner Circle. “I started this job to get experience in social work, not thinking I’d be here more than a year,” Taylor said. “I ended up realizing I really, really liked it. This is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had.” #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more

In National Geographic's book "LOVE Unleashed" by Rebecca Ascher-Walshis is a chapter called Rosco (page 37). Rosco is a Domesti-PUPS therapy/service dog trained at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). He now belongs to a child with cerebral palsy. The chapter mentions both NSP and the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC). It references Rosco’s graduation, training and the benefits to the public and the incarcerated individuals involved.Read more

The Community Justice Center (CJC) completed its 57th Restorative Justice “Victims Impact/Empathy/Life Skills Class” at the Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC) on Feb. 8. Eighty percent of class participants said they gained insight into who their victims really are and how their decisions impacted their victims and communities. "It gave insight on how many people I harmed," one participant said. "Where I thought it was one – I realized it was many more."Read more

Corporal Jeffrey Walraven suffered a heart attack while on duty at the Community Corrections Center-Lincoln (CCC-L) on Jan. 1. Sergeant Keisha Silas directed team members to activate Emergency Medial Services (EMS) while she stayed by Walraven's side. Walraven recently presented Silas with a challenge coin to show his appreciation for her brave actions. The Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) thanks Silas and all team members who assisted Walraven during this time.Read more

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Corporal Michelle Kowalski assists with inmate tablets at the Omaha Correctional Center (OCC). Kowalski has been with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) since 2007. Her main duties include ensuring the processing of misconduct reports and collection of evidence. “I like to make a difference and ensure things are done the right way,” Kowalski said. #NDCSTeamMemberSpotlightRead more
